
My Story

Just over ten years ago, I went through a painful divorce living in a foreign country having been married for 20 years. I had married at the age of 20 and had my first child by the age of 21. Being married and being a mum was all I’d ever really known and the trauma of divorce hit me very deeply. Back then divorce coaching was a new coaching niche that was only just getting off the ground. I wasn’t aware of any divorce coaches but as someone who has always been interested in self development and the bene­ fits that a coach can bring, I found a life coach who could help me navigate my way through what was a very emotionally challenging, and at times a very dark experience.

I also had to work out if I would stay in my adopted country or return home. Having someone guide me through the process of rebuilding my life felt comforting and reassuring. I knew it was someone who would guide me with objectivity and help me to open my mind to all the various possibilities. I knew that I didn’t only want to survive going forward but to thrive and to create a life of my own design, transmuting my pain into my power. Having had someone there who both guided and encouraged me through my transformation was invaluable and something for which I am still very grateful for today.

During the following years I continued to work on my self development by healing, banking as many life lessons as possible all whilst continuing to create my new and empowered life.

During the Covid-19 Global Pandemic in 2020,I started to work remotely from home. I had a very quick realisation that Covid-19 was something that was not going to go away quickly and that I had to find a way through it without losing my sanity. I found myself constantly in nature and started listening to guided meditations for the first time. It quickly became a daily practice, along with undertaking a lot of deep introspection. I had decided to do a deep dive because after having been in a long marriage, then having a 3 year romantic relationship, I could no longer find love and I started to question why I could no longer find it. I started to awaken to the idea that maybe there was something within me that was either missing or needed still to be healed. The process of deep introspection, meditation and constantly being in nature, ultimately, led to the activation of a Spiritual Awakening. During the Awakening my life purpose came to present itself to me. I understood that I was being called to help others on their own respective journeys of transformation and healing. Hence, gradually, the idea of becoming a Breakup & Divorce Coach was born. My coaching accreditation has taught me how to provide strategies, advice and practical tips with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) interwoven.

As an Intuitive with healing energy, I am also able to help those dealing with emotional pain and to help them to heal via the exploration of inner child healing; transmuting their pain into their power, guiding the person to becoming fully empowered and how to create a new and exciting life of their own design. Through the process of metamorphosis my life has gone full circle and now, today, as an accredited Break-up and Divorce coach, NLP practitioner and Intuitive healer, I would be honoured to guide you on your journey.

If you are ready and willing to fully commit to re-constructing your life and would like to discover if we could be a good match and you resonate with an holistic approach, I would be delighted to hear from you.